2112 11th Ave South, Suite 340 Birmingham, AL 35205

Relationship counseling

Falling Out Of Love? Your Relationship Can Still Be Saved!

Falling Out Of Love? Your Relationship Can Still Be Saved!

The word love is something that has eluded mankind for centuries. The Greeks defined numerous different kinds of love differentiating by way of whom the love was directed towards and had just as many words for it.

Today we even have psychological explanations and definitions to help us better understand what love is all about. When it comes to intimate partners or two people in a relationship, falling in love, opening up and becoming vulnerable though daunting prospects; are often associated with the positive.

The scary bit is not falling in love as much as it is falling out of it! But how does one tell when the love between them and their special person has begun to dwindle and fade?

Establishing a Positive Relationship with your Child

Establishing a Positive Relationship with your Child

A positive relationship with your kids serves as a foundation for your relationship in the future. If your kids don’t feel comfortable approaching you with their problems when they’re younger, they’ll likely become more distant as they grow old.

Don’t assume that your children are content with your relationship. They don’t have the ability to express themselves properly and need the adults in their lives to show them the ropes or get help from Birmingham Therapy.