2112 11th Ave South, Suite 340 Birmingham, AL 35205

Psychotherapy in Birmingham, AL

Psychotherapy in Birmingham, AL

If you find yourself in the midst of emotional difficulties, it’s important to take a holistic view of the healing process. I aim to work with you to explore your experiences, your history, and your sense of self. Through discussion of life-long issues and recurring problems, I hope to pinpoint the causes of your internal difficulties, and work with you to rectify them.

In order for us to explore, heal, and resolve emotional issues, I would like to get to know the most important parts of your life, how you feel about them, and how you assign meaning to those life experiences.


With this in mind, we may take the issues further into experiential exploration, so that you “heal” from the wounds of your past. In most cases, we will look into how you express your feelings and emotions, and how you give voice to your internal processes. We may also examine your belief systems, and how they arose. If you remember your dreams, we might use them to learn more about how you are, and where you have been.

Psychotherapy is the process of working together to learn more about your thoughts and feelings, how history limits you, your ability to have a voice, and how you manifest. This process elicits natural healing energy to carry you to a new level of emotional and spiritual freedom. You may then be more expansive, be able to think more clearly, have greater access to your feelings, and to live life differently.

The Relationship

Our therapy relationship could allow us to move freely throughout all of your life issues or we might focus on one or two specific issues. Therapy is a way of you finding yourself, resolving emotional conflicts, and living in freedom. The length of working time varies from client to client. The ultimate guiding principle of this work centers around how you treat yourself, and how you might treat yourself in more kind, caring, loving ways.

Psychotherapy/counseling is utilized to resolve emotional conflicts, unfinished business, depression, sadness, relationship issues, and to make one’s life more free and enjoyable. My perspective is that peacefulness, integrity, contentment, and compassion embody true happiness. Our journey together will aim to result in emotional resolution and internal freedom for you. These psychotherapist services are offered in Birmingham, AL.


Request Appointment

To request an appointment with David E. Myers, PhD, please provide your contact information by filling out the form below
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